Sunday, January 12, 2020

Barr Pulls Back Curtain On George Soros – Shines Spotlight On His Anti-Police Push

Soros thought no one would find out – but Barr got him!
President Trump has commissioned our attorney general, Bill Barr, to clean up Washington and American politics as a whole.
Barr is in the process of getting to the bottom of who spied on Trump during 2016. His bulldog is closing in on a criminal case.
In the meantime, he’s also going after George Soros. The billionaire has been involved in American politics for far too long.
And Barr’s discovered Soros is targetting American cities. His goal?
The destruction of our law and order.
From The Federalist Papers:
[Barr] blamed Soros for helping to promote criminal activity by supporting anti-police district attorneys around the United States.
“There’s been this recent development where George Soros has been coming in largely in democratic primaries where there are not going to be much voter turnout and putting in a lot of money to elect people who are not very supportive of law enforcement…
“They are following policies that are ultimately going to lead to an increase in violent crime and more victims,” he said.